1. Who are the characters in your story? Chris Baillie, Emily Penn, Holly Ernst, Me
2. What connection do you feel to your place? It is a place that has changed over the past months and has played a huge part in my life.
3. When does the story take place? Present thoughts / Past Memories
4. Where does the story take place? In my mind
5. Why does the story take place? This story takes place becuase these thoughts and memories have been consuming my mind for the past few months. My friendship with Chris was something that I cherished and felt like expressing my emotions and memories of the events that have taken place.
6. How are you delivering/presenting the story? Narratives, Poems, Pictures, Music
    After our converstations with the group about our story  I realized I needed to change the way I was going about my writings. Instead of having memories, I can write about feelings and emotions about how I feel about my place. It was helpful hearing the imput of others becuase I was getting kind of lost with how to go about construsting and putting together the pieces I was writing.

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