"Oral history . . . refers to what the source and the historian do together at the moment of their encounter in the interview." - Alessandro Portelli

    Oral history has played a very important role in the translation of important events and specific moments throughout society and life. When we read articles that talk about the past, I find I most relate to and enjoy the piece of writing when it comes from first hand accounts of an individual. When you are construting and interview on a subject, you recieve the real facts and find out what really happened in that percice moment through that individuals eyes. You are able to see, smell, and feel what exactly that individual saw, instead of writing from written accounts of what happened from different documents. 
    Referring to the quote at the top of the blog, an interview determines how the subject being discussed is going to be viewed by the audience. It is up to the "historian" to pick out questions to ask the "source" to find out the specific details of the event. They must decided what questions and use and not to use because they will ulitmately determine how the subject is going to be read by everyone who reads about it.  Interviews are the most personal and I believe accurate way finding out details out about specific events or occurances in our lives or history.

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